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Select Bibliography


The most readable, comprehensive systematic theology for the beginner is Thomas Oden, The Living God, The Word of Life, Life in the Spirit.  This is a 2000-page, three-volume work.

Bloesch, Donald G.; Christian Foundations

Since the course text is Bloesch’s Essentials of Evangelical Theology, the single best resource for more detailed reading with respect to the course is Bloesch’s definitive work.  CF is a multi-volume work that is still being written.


Grenz, Stanley J.; Theology for the Community of God

Written by a Canadian, this book is a standard text in systematic theology.  It engages both contemporary theology and postmodern culture.  It is organized around the biblical concepts of kingdom and community.


Grenz, Stanley J. and Olson, Roger E.; Twentieth Century Theology: God and the World in a Transitional Age

This IVF publication surveys, at an introductory level, Christian theology since the Enlightenment.  It deploys the themes of transcendence and immanence to lay bare the crucial issues in modern theology.


Grudem, Wayne; Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine

This book emphasizes biblical exegesis and biblical theology as the essential foundation of Christian doctrine.  It illustrates its many theses through life-illustrations and relates theology to worship.


Gunton, Colin E. (ed.); The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine

This book is a collection of fourteen essays in which American and British thinkers attempt to develop several matters that appear to hold out promise theologically at the same time that it introduces foundational topics in theology.


McGrath, Alister E.; Christian Theology: An Introduction

McGrath’s focus is the historical development of doctrine.