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Luther’s Theologia Crucis



The hidden God is the revealed God
The revealed God is the hidden God


The world perceives The truth is
shame glory
weakness strength
folly wisdom
condemnation acquittal
sin righteousness
death life

In order to “benefit” from the gospel (i.e., be a beneficiary of Jesus Christ and all that he has wrought for us) we must “shut our eyes and open our ears.” (Luther)
“The gospel is essentially aural.” (Luther)



The theologia crucis is always to be distinguished from a theologia gloriae.

The following is found
(i)                  when God is identified with metaphysical speculation
(ii)                when the church becomes triumphalistic
(iii)               when it is thought that the truth and nature of God can be read off nature
(iv)              when it is thought that the truth and nature of God can be read off the face of history, of world-occurrence.