Supplementary Readings:
Biel Oberman, H.; “The Process of Justification”, Part II, The
Harvest of Mediaeval Theology
Oberman, H.; “‘Iustitia Christi’ and ‘Iustitia Dei’:
Luther and the Scholastic Doctrine of
Justification”, Harvard Theological Review,
Vol. 59 No. 1, Jan. 1966
Luther Luther, M.; The Freedom of the Christian (Man)
or Christian Liberty
Althaus, P. The Theology of Martin Luther
Ebeling, G.; Luther
Rupp, G.; Luther’s Progress to the Diet of Worms
Rupp, G,; The Righteousness of God
Calvin Calvin, J.; The Institutes of the Christian Religion,
Bk. IV, Chapt. I, Sects. 1-11, 22 (keys)
Calvin, J.; The Institutes of the Christian Religion,
Bk. III, Chapts. XXI – XXIV
Calvin, J.; Concerning the Eternal Predestination of God.
George, T.; Calvin and the Church
Milner, B.; Calvin’s Doctrine of the Church
Parker, T.; Calvin (biography)
Wendel, F.; Calvin
Radical Reformers
Williams, G.; The Radical Reformation
Steinmetz, D.; Reformers in the Wings
Council of Trent
Janelle, P.; The Council of Trent
Jedin, E., History of the Council of Trent
Dickens, A.G.; The Counter-Reformation
Daniels, B.; Puritans at Play
Packer, J.; A Quest for Godliness
Wesley The Works of John Wesley (Albert Outler, ed., Abingdon)
Vol 1: “Salvation By Faith”
“Scriptural Christianity”
“The Witness of the Spirit” – I
“The Witness of the Spirit” – II
“The Witness of our own Spirit”
Vol. 2: “Christian Perfection”
“Catholic Spirit”
Vol. 3: “The Danger of Riches”
Lindstrom, H.; Wesley and Sanctification
Maddox, R.; Responsible Grace
Williams, C.; John Wesley’s Theology Today
Athanasius Athanasius, On the Incarnation of the Word of God
Norris, R. (ed.;) Christology of the Later Fathers
(Library of Christian Classics)
Kelly, J.; Early Christian Doctrine
Anselm Anselm, Cur Deus Homo?
Deane, S.; Saint Anselm, Basic Writings
Hopkins, J.; A Companion to the Study of St. Anselm
Aquinas Gilby, T.; St. Thomas Aquinas, Theological Texts
Chesterton, G.; St. Thomas Aquinas
Copleston, F.; Aquinas
Kenny, A.; Thomas Aquinas
Schleiermacher Schleiermacher, G.; The Christian Faith
Schleiermacher, G.; Lectures
Mackintosh, H.; Types of Modern Theology, Chapts. II & III
Barth, K.; Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century, Chapt. 11
Barth Barth, K.; Dogmatics in Outline
Barth, K.; Evangelical Theology
Barth, K.; The Humanity of God
Bloesch, D.; Jesus is Victor!
Bromiley, G.; An Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth
Torrance, T.; Karl Barth
Liberation Theology
Bonino, M.; Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation
Brown, R.; Unexpected News: Reading the Bible with
Third World Eyes
Gonzalez, C. and G.; Liberation Preaching: The Pulpit
and the Oppressed
Armerding, C. (ed.); Evangelicals and Liberation